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China to lower dollar, euro and yen weightings in CFETS yuan basket in 2025

SHANGHAI (Reuters) – China will adjust the weightings of its yuan CFETS basket in 2025, the country’s foreign exchange trade platform said on Tuesday.

From Jan. 1, the China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS), which is overseen by the central bank, will lower the U.S. dollar’s weighting in the CFETS currency basket to 18.903% from 19.46%, cut the euro’s weighting to 17.902% from 18.08%, and reduce the yen’s weighting to 8.584% from 8.963%, according to an online statement.

It will add Macau’s pataca to the basket, bringing the total number of currencies in the CFETS basket to 25 next year.

This post appeared first on investing.com

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